Fast-Fun : Week 1 Audio MIDI
For this week, we are using the Audio MINI setup to have our p5js web editor sketch interact with each other via sound. While I would like to use this class to further enhance my thesis topic, I thought of ways I could use MIDI to help young kids in their EdTech learning formats.
One topic of my thesis project is to teach kids about circuits. The theory that is taught is the movement of electrons from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.
I decided to build an interactive p5 sketch wherein as students click on the sketch (it could be anywhere), an electron will always move towards the negative terminal of the sketch.
To incorporate MIDI in this sketch, I decide to add a piano note every time a new electron is born. This is simply to make the interaction more fun for kids to learn and enhance the absorption of knowledge via a factor of sound with playfulness.
On the other end of the MIDI input, I decided to have an electron that moves up the Y axis towards the negative terminal by every note octave (60), everytime an electron is born on the MIDI output sketch.
MIDI Input